Saturday, December 16, 2006

What's a Democrat to do?

I've played a few hands of poker in my day, but never have I held the royal flush. But that's how I feel as a Democrat looking at our potential field of '08 hopefuls. Don't take me too seriously, I am of the contention that the best person for the highest office in the land, is probably smart enough to know they don't want it! But when compared to the potential Republican field, we could potentially be looking at a royal flush, and then some!

With some much attention being paid to the '08 race and so many polls being taken and so much talk about the various candidates (well, at least the ones we already know about) I, for one am having a hard time making up my mind.

Should we go with a man with impeccable foreign policy and leadership credentials? Well if so the Democrats have a wonderful candidate in Gen. Wesley Clark. Gen. Clark was NATO's supreme commander and has real world experience in dealing with conflicts, something this country has been sorely lacking for, oh at least 6 years now. Gen. Clark is a leader and a man of integrity and would be an immediate upgrade in our international standing.

Of course character and integrity are in abundance when you speak of a statesman like Dennis Kucinich. Rep. Kucinich is a dignified patriot and a man of incredible intellectual capacity. I know, I know, your Pavlovian response is to say "he can't win", and maybe that's true but he is a great and honest man and will at least raise the level of the debate.

Despite Gen. Clark and rep. Kucinich's obvious qualifications they are both dark horses, yet still far better in my humble estimation than the gang of miscreants forming on the right side of this showdown! And I think Clark can beat McCain, what do you think?

Of course two quality candidates a royal flush does not make, that was just the appetizer. We could elect a young bright good looking golden boy from North Carolina who, like another one of our candidates, inspires you and a glance and challenges you to make America better, all of America. John Edwards, and it looks like it's official, is another excellent candidate. He's got that RFK quality in that you get the feeling that he really cares, he's passionate and has some great ideas and can really take our country in a new direction.

There is yet another choice worthy of examination. That is the potential candidacy of Sen. Barrack Obama. Much like Edwards, Obama oozes charm and inspiration and in the same way that Bill Clinton does, Obama electrifies any room. What the MSM is calling "rock star" power, yeah they wish, let's see Barrack torch his hotel room or down a bottle of Jack Daniels while playing the solo in "Stairway to Heaven"! What he can do, I believe, is be an effective leader, what he lacks for in experience he makes up for in intellect. A lot remains unseen about the Jr. Senator from IL, I am eager to discover what it is.

If Hillary runs she is the automatic front runner in the polls. She has the experience; she was in the white house for 8 years. She has the intelligence and she has the political acumen for the job. She has her baggage, lord knows, but again she looks good in comparison to their field and I think will look even better given the chance to campaign.

And finally Al Gore, a man who reminds us of a time when the white house was a place of integrity (despite Monica-gate!), a man who takes the environment seriously and who has all the right experience and ability for the job. Al Gore may take Hillary's front runner status if throws his hat in the ring, it will be interesting to find out.

I have been brief because my intent is not to illuminate anyone about the individuals but simply to reflect on the potential field in contrast to the McCain/Romney/ Giuliani's of the world. I think we are shaping up pretty well and will end up with a ticket that will take back the white house in '08. What do you think?



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